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Sunday 26th April 2020. 5.30pm.

Hello and welcome to our brand new website and our very first blog. 

Learn Fear Blog Image

People have been asking us “What’s happening at the label?”. Well, like everyone, we are worried about COVID-19 and how it is affecting just about everything around us. We spoke with everyone involved in this collective, and we all felt that the best thing to do right now is to try to carry on being creative and releasing music.


Fortunately, all of our forthcoming releases are already recorded and 99% mixed, so while the bands are having to avoid each other, the records are ready to go! However, there are always a few tiny mixing tweaks to make. “Please turn the tambourine down a bit” is a good example. In fact turning down the volume of a tambourine (or even turning it off completely) is a request so frequently made that we're beginning to worry about all the tambourine players in the world! I mean, they must have feelings too. 


“Okay, so the recording is done. What happens next?”.  


Well, once a band have ’signed off’ their finished mix, we then send it away to a mastering engineer so that the song can be mastered. If you were ever curious, mastering is an audio process carried out by very highly-tuned people who (might possibly) practice voodoo. Or witchcraft. It’s all a mystery to be honest. 


Their job is to tweak, tweeze and massage the audio to make it sound as brilliant and wholesome as possible. If you can hear a pin drop at 200 paces, you could be a contender for becoming a mastering engineer. Exciting times! Here at the label, we decided to let the mastering engineers do their thing in private and all communications are handled via email or better still, telepathy.

"Necessity is the mother of invention”.

Just before the lockdown, both MASI MASI and The Magic Eye Pictures were about to shoot music videos for their forthcoming singles. At that point of lockdown, it looked as though all those plans were ruined, but we can safely report that these musicians and filmmakers are not phased by the big challenges one bit. In fact they’re rising to them and finding bold and exciting new ways of making their art. Every few days we are being treated to snippets of new songs and ‘work-in-progress' clips of brilliant videos. 


We’ll start to release these records and videos in the coming few weeks. We would like to express massive love to our artists 

MASI MASI, The Magic Eye Pictures, Walt’s Frozen Head, LELO and E X P E R I M E N T  6 3 7  for continuing to supply us with great music. 


We will sign off now but we’ll report back soon. In the meantime, stay tuned for a brilliant new music video from The Magic Eye Pictures!

Please stay safe. 




the boy who left home to learn fear...

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